BW Tax & Payr​oll​
BW Tax & Payr​oll​
Tax Preparation Checklist:
We understand that gathering your tax documents can be overwhelming, and it's easy to forget things.
We want to help make this process a little easier for you!
Prepare before you go by checking out the list below!
(Documents needed are not limited to this list, as these are only the more commonly needed ones)
Tax Preparation Checklist:
Help us help you get your taxes done quicker.
- 1099-NEC (Non Employee Compensation)
- 1099-R (Retirement)
- SSA-1099 (Social Security)
- 1099-G (Government payments)
- 1099-INT (Interest)
- 1099-DIV (Dividends & Distributions) -
1095-A (Health Insurance through Marketplace)
Childcare Expenses (Children under the age of 13)
If Itemizing:
1098 (Mortgage Interest)
Property taxes
For businesses/ Self-Employed
Profit & Loss
SSN/ DOB (For new dependents/ clients)
Last year’s tax return (New clients only)
Bank account & routing numbers (only if you want automatic deposit and/or withdrawal set up)
Disclosure/ Final HUD (For purchasing, selling, or refinancing home)
Receipts of Home Improvements done (For selling of home)
Certificate/ Purchase papers for Energy Efficient purchases (Solar Panel, hot water tanks, etc)